So, I now have a semi working (only a couple of bugs found so far) emulator of the processor and the display.
Most of the code has been borrowed from earlier emulators I wrote - I have a framework where you just provide the debugger display and the runtime and it does everything else pretty much.
There isn't that much difference between a COP444, an SM510 and a TMS1100. Though I maintain the SM510 is broken as a processor because it can't do an indirect write ; this stuffed up a previous Retrochallenge.
The code it is running is writing patterns to the display, it's rubbish code but just slung together to make it work. This is on the left at the top. Registers and I/O ports are in the middle, and the display is on the right - a pair of 7 Segment LEDs and a 7x6 LED array. The bottom chunk is the COP444's 128 nibbles of RAM.
I want to replace this display with bits cut from the "hologram" images shown in the last post ; this will require some hacking of the Framework so that it can read in and render PNG files, which it can't do at present.
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