Saturday, 7 October 2017

Minor improvements

I've been running Arch Linux for a while and yesterday they transitioned to Gnome 3.26. For some reason I couldn't figure out, SDL2 no longer worked, it crashed the Desktop Environment, may be something to do with Wayland changes maybe.

Anyway, I've been thinking of changing for a while, so my spare time yesterday was spent shifting to Fedora 26, which works fine and is surprisingly quick.

So everything is working again. But I haven't written much code since yesterday because of that, the code to keep the overall synchronisation going and a routine to exchange the contents of pages 3 and 4 of RAM.

I have a 'sort of' game. Actually all it does is increment one of the timers and shift a pixel, but it still has an 'init' and 'update' part which is all I want for testing. I will use this "game" to write the code that handles the selection of speed and #players - I'm presuming here that this is selected by the two buttons and pressing START starts the game and subsequently handles the toggling between the two games. All games will be turn taking. Exactly how I multitask this I'm still considering .... rather than just switching 3 and 4, the original idea, it might be advantageous to switch banks 0 and 1 as well, make bank 2 the 'local data' page and switch that, and bank 3 becomes the common page (game ID, speed, player#, keyboard status, counter status and so on), then switch banks 0,1 and 2.

At this point making those changes creates no problems, but it needs some thought.

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